Generalized Pairwise Comparisons
June 23, 2019 — June 27, 2019
SAn Diego, CA, USA
Generalized Pairwise Comparisons for benefit/risk assessment in personalized medicine
Buyse M, Saad ED. Invited lecture at the DIA Global Annual Meeting.
Abstract: A novel statistical approach to the analysis of randomized clinical trials uses all pairwise comparisons between two patients, one in the treatment arm and one in the control arm. Each pair favors treatment (“win”), control (“loss”), or neither. The “net treatment benefit” is the difference between the proportion of wins minus the proportion of losses. Pairwise comparisons can incorporate several outcomes of interest and several thresholds of clinical relevance in the analysis, and as such, they can be used to personalize treatment choices and to assess the benefit/risk of randomized therapeutic interventions in a rigorous yet flexible manner.