Good Morning Meeting | Generalized Pairwise Comparisons (GPC): An innovative statistical method to design and analyze clinical trials

In collaboration with MVA, IDDI team is pleased to invite you to
a Good Morning Meeting

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK | APRIL 21 – 09:00 – 11:00 am CET

Learn on an innovative statistical method – Generalized Pairwise Comparisons (GPC) used to design and analyze clinical trials to make the best possible use of the data collected.

generalized pairwise comparisons GPC


Generalized Pairwise Comparison (GPC) is an innovative statistical method used to design and analyze clinical trials to make the best possible use of the data collected. This allows the analysis to take into account several endpoints, providing deeper insights into the net treatment benefits. Specifically, the GPC method enables you to:

  • Assess clinical trials based on multiple endpoints leading to increased power
  • Conduct meaningful risk: benefit analyses 


Generalized pairwise comparisons (GPC) is a novel statistical approach to the analysis of randomized trials, based on comparisons of every possible pair formed by one patient from the experimental arm and one from the control arm. Since the GPC method can formally handle several endpoints simultaneously, it is a versatile approach to various situations that arise in drug development, such as the need to prioritize among different endpoints and to conduct meaningful risk: benefit analyses. Moreover, the use of GPC generally leads to increased power, something advantageous in various settings, including rare diseases. The results from GPC are summarized by measures of treatment effect that jointly indicate probabilities of improved outcomes. Such measures include the Net Treatment Benefit, the Win Ratio, and the Win Odds, and they can all be used in a personalized manner if the endpoints to be analyzed are ranked in an order of priority that is clinically meaningful. In this seminar, we will describe how the GPC method can be used to design and analyze clinical trials and make the best possible use of the data collected.


During this presentation, the participant will:

– Understand how this method can be used to evaluate multiple endpoints
– Identify how this method can be used to evaluate multiple endpoints
– Gain insights into how this approach will ultimately lead to truly “patient-centric medicine”


09.00:    Networking, registration and light breakfast
09:30:    Welcome | David Munis Zepernick, Head of Member Engagement and Communication, Medicon Valley Alliance
Erik Falvey, Senior Director Business Development Europe, IDDI 
09:35:    Presentation: Generalized Pairwise Comparisons for versatile and statistically sound multivariate analyses 
              Vaiva Deltuvaite-Thomas, MS, Research Biostatistician, IDDI
10:20:     Q&A | Moderated by Erik Falvey, Senior Director Business Development Europe, IDDI
10:30:     Networking
11:00:     End of Good Morning Meeting




Vaiva Deltuvaite-Thomas, MS, Research Statistician at the International Drug Development Institute, IDDI.

Her research focuses on Generalized Pairwise Comparisons based methods in multivariate data analysis, with or without missingness/ censoring. After 15 years working as a Community Pharmacist in Lithuania, Belgium, Ireland, and France, the need to understand and explain increasing amounts of drug and treatment related information, and more importantly mis-information, has led her to joining and completing the Master program in biostatistics at Hasselt University (Belgium).

Currently, she is also a PhD candidate at Hasselt University.

Presentation: Generalized Pairwise Comparisons (GPC) - An innovative statistical method to design and analyze clinical trials