By combining IDDI’s randomization and trial supply management (RTSM) know-how and statistical expertise, with MENTOR industry-leading RTSM solution, IDDI manages your randomization and supply management, ensuring your study is reliably and efficiently configured, securing result integrity, and maximizing your chances of approval.
End-to-End Clinical Trial Randomization and Supply Services
Our RTSM statisticians are involved in your study from start to finish, providing the most appropriate randomization methods, clinical trial supply management, and follow-up.
Mentor: Randomization and Trial Supply Management Software
Seamlessly integrated with ID-base and RAVE EDC, Mentor RTSM platform not only ensures the scientific integrity and operational efficiency, but also supports adaptive designs, reinforces regulatory compliance, improves participant experience, and promotes cost-effectiveness.
Why You Need a Biostatistics-Driven RTSM System
Our biostatisticians work as a unified team with our RTSM specialists to provide a configurable and customizable end-to-end randomization and trial supply management system that: