Dan Sargent as Leader, Researcher, Colleague and Mentor
March 12, 2017 — March 15, 2017
Washington, DC, USA
Buyse M. Dan Sargent as Leader, Researcher, Colleague and Mentor. Invited lecture at the 2017 ENAR Spring Meeting.
Dan Sargent was internationally renowned statistician on cancer clinical trials. The oncology community lost a leader in statistical research and cancer clinical trial design, Daniel J. Sargent, PhD. Dr. Sargent died on September 22, 2016. He was 46 years old.
The 2017 ENAR Spring Meeting brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government, connected through a common interest in Biometry.
The 2017 ENAR Spring Meeting offers a superb program of short courses, tutorials and roundtables. Presented by well-known experts from academia, government, and industry, the short courses and tutorials will cover a variety of topics including: Bayesian methods in drug development, personalized medicine trial designs, analysis of brain imaging data, data sciences and high performance statistical computing, early phase clinical trials, statistical leadership and influence, graphics for clinical trial data, and software applications for group sequential and adaptive designs, Bayesian modeling and analysis, and multiplicity problems.